d0e n0e y it bec0me 4p1 n 4p2 fav game...
m0stly every week we will beg 2 cgu puti 2 play dis game...
m0st interesting thing ab0ut dis game is when s0me1 can't beat the ball we will remind that pers0n ab0ut 0ur l0vable principal...
4 sure they manage 2 beat that ball n we're getting m0re pr0 in dis game...
i feel pity 2 my guys classmate bc0z they g0t the practical teacher 4 the pJk...
mybe 2 0r 3 week they keep d0in the funny,gr0tesque n silly thing that can make us laught n cann0t c0cerntrate 2 0ur game...
n the g0od news is when that sir give them achance 2 play that game...
but the funny,gr0tesque n silly thing hapen again when they hav 2 play with the helmet...
juz imagine that the girls 0nly play with n0 pr0tecti0n n we're 0kei but the guys hav 2 wear that...
they l0ok like a cl0wn...
but sincerely they l0ok cute with that helmet...
they missed 2 play h0ckey...
i think the guys will l0se if teacher make a match between us...
all girls will be crazy when play h0ckey...
the h0ckey stick will br0ken int0 very small pieces if we play that game...
they like release their tensi0n expecially the indians girl...
i like they bec0me like that bec0z they are always buzy 2 study...
they l0ok m0re cute,spiritual n c0nfident..
the main thing is cgu puti is the 1 0f 0ur sp0rting teacher in 0ur class...
4p1 hav many sp0rting teacher...
n yet...
we're n0t s0 lucky bc0z we hav pr0b with 1 teacher...
n0w she is better than be4 n it is g0od 4 us...
lurve 2 see her juz like right n0w...
Past examination questions on the novel
9 years ago
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